Despre Capra cu trei iezi, filmul horror în care joacă Maia Morgenstern, cu regizorul Victor Canache


În România rurală a secolului al 19-lea, izolată de lume, o văduvă și mamă a trei copii este nevoită să țină piept unui vechi prieten de familie care, văzându-i fără apărare, își dă-n vileag adevărată natură sadică. a stat de vorbă cu Victor Canache despre „Capra cu trei iezi”, debutul său regizoral în care Maia Morgenstern și Marius Bodochi joacă rolurile principale.

We will keep you updated with the other locations as we go along! Till then HELP US SPREAD THE NEWS! Every single share counts!!

Because a lot of people have been asking where they can find the film I’d like to point out that this is the trailer for the short film! Currently we are touring the USA with it looking to find investors for the feature film. If we manage to raise the budget the shooting should start next fall. The feature film will have the same main actors, it will be shot on the same set and will have the same vibe.

You can follow updates about our progress on “Filmul Capra cu trei iezi” Facebook page:


If you want to support me as an artist or help us with our tour, you can do so here:

If you are interested in investing you can contact me at

Secluded from the world, a single mother of three has to defend that what’s left of her family at all cost from a cold-blooded killer.

Based on one of the best known Romanian fairy tales written by Ion Creanga, this short film, starring Maia Morgenstern and Marius Bodochi, aims to unveil the true nature of the famed bed-time story and to treat the audience to a different perspective, one that offers a glimpse at what the tragedy actually looks like beyond the happy songs and colorful characters.

Directed by Victor Canache
Produced by Luana Georgita

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